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Can cats smile and laugh?

Cats are the kings of the internet. Very often you see photos in which they show a facial expression that is very similar to that of humans. Grumpy cats, happy cats, sad cats - they are just like us, you might think. But are their facial expressions really like ours - can cats smile, laugh or look sad?

Anyone who owns a cat knows that how it expresses its feelings and talks to you is a science in itself. Even if your cat's facial expression resembles a smile or laughter, it doesn't necessarily correspond to their true feelings.

Can cats laugh?

Können Katzen lachen?

Although some animals have been proven to be able to laugh, cats do not seem to laugh according to current knowledge - even if they have their own sounds to indicate that they are happy.

They may have a facial expression that looks like laughter. But that doesn't mean they're happy. More research is needed to find out the meaning of all facial expressions of cats (even those that resemble human laughter). However, we already know that the more other animal species (e.g. rats) laugh, the more optimistic they are. Perhaps in the future we can say the same about other animal species such as cats.

Even though there is no evidence that cats can laugh, that doesn't mean they aren't able to feel or show joy. Although cats can't laugh, they seem to sense the laughter of humans and sense if someone is happy, sad or even sick. Some cats look almost embarrassed and try to hide when you laugh at them. And if your cat is mischievous and loves attention, she seems to be doing her best to make you laugh by doing things she knows you like.

Can cats smile?

Können Katzen lachen?

Yes, but a cat's smile is different from a human's smile. Some cats can smile, but happiness or contentment cannot necessarily be expressed through facial expressions. If your cat is relaxed, calm, and has its mouth closed without showing its teeth, it is most likely to smile. If you also notice a squinting of your eyes and a slow blink, this can also be a sign of good luck.

Facial expressions and posture of cats have different meanings depending on the context. They are like ambiguous words (e.g. "arm" or "arm") , where the word has one meaning or another depending on the context. Therefore, depending on the context, the happy facial expression described can also mean: The animal is stressed or suffering.

Also, you should know that even if your cat is the happiest cat in the world, they may not show it in a way that we humans usually recognize. So don't be disappointed if she doesn't show her feelings and acts indifferent - she loves you anyway.

How to know if your cat is happy

Cats may not be able to laugh, but if they have a real bond with their owner, they will find many ways to show their affection. Here are a few you may know:

  • Demand attention

They ask for your affection by snuggling up to your hand - and when you give it to them, they snuggle up to you and half close their eyes in happiness. Maybe that's the moment you think you're seeing a cat smile!

  • Purr

Purring is probably the closest thing to laughter. But keep in mind that cats also use purring to calm and relax in stressful situations. You can often observe this when you visit the vet. It's important to pay attention and distinguish between happy and stressed purrs so that you can recognize when the cat is having problems and try to defuse the situation to lower their stress levels.

  • Rubbing on legs or feet

This can happen at any time, but it's most common when the cat hasn't seen you for a long time. When you come home and your cat snuggles up to you, she wants to show you that she's happy and excited to see you again.

  • Milk kick

When your pet rhythmically "kicks" or kneads on a blanket or your body with his front paws, he does it because he is happy, relaxed and content. This often happens when cats are petted or when they lie down to take a nap.

  • Meow

It is amazing what skills and vocal richness a cat has. Meowing is a cat's way of communicating with you, and often it means they're happy about your presence (or that they want something from you!). However, a cat can also meow for other reasons, such as when it is in pain, when it is sick or when it is afraid. Every cat meows differently. It depends on the race, the individual and the situation. Get to know the meowing of your own cat. This will give you a good idea of how she feels and what she wants to tell you.
Fascinatingly, cats rarely meow among themselves. Meowing is a language that cats have developed to "talk" to their humans.

  • Cuddle

If your cat touches you with its paw, it's a sign that it's happy. If she snuggles up to you, she may even purr to show you that she's content.

Four Ways to Cat Happiness

Cats are, contrary to what is often assumed, uncomplicated creatures. If you give them enough variety, take care of them, care for them, and love them, they're sure to be happy. Here are some ideas on how to best pamper your cat.

1. Cats like to spend time with you. Play can be a great way to build a bond. Pay attention to your cat and play with it. Playing tag or hide and seek not only promotes physical and mental development, but also creates a good mood. Toys, such as scratching posts with many different levels, can be heaven on earth for a cat.

2. A clean and tidy cat is a happy cat. Cats are very good at keeping themselves clean. However, if you got your cat used to grooming as a kitten, they will certainly appreciate it if you brush them from time to time to make their coat shine. However, when it comes to cat beauty care, there's nothing better than good paw care. Make sure your cat has plenty of scratching posts so that their claws are always in shape.

3. Treating your cat to their favorite treats is by far the easiest way to make them happy - and that goes for any pet. But remember to only give treats in moderation, because too much can affect health and well-being. If you have a very playful cat - or one that likes to rob - a toy with a feeder can be an asset in every way.

4. Your cat's well-being can also be boosted by something as simple as cuddling - or by simply letting them use you as a cat bed if cuddling isn't their thing. Some cats are more interested in company than in petting. This shows them care and affection and makes them feel safe.

Trust is the basis for a secure bond. Give them the opportunity to decide for themselves what they want to do in each moment to build a strong bond with them. In other words, don't force them to do something they don't want to do, but give them the opportunity to do it without pushing them.

Want to learn more about how your cat behaves and how you can make sure they're comfortable? Then read our guide "Body language in cats - interpreting cat language and behavior".

source : Can cats laugh and smile? | Purina

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