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How old do cats get?

Find out more about the life expectancy of cats

Cats are not only popular pets, but also fascinating creatures. They can build a special relationship with us and we value them as part of our family. The question of how old cats can get is therefore of great interest to cat lovers. Because we want to have our four-legged family members around us for as long as possible.

In our guide, we take a comprehensive look at questions such as: How long do cats live? How old do outdoor cats get? How old do domestic cats get? We give tips on how to increase your cat's life expectancy and show how to convert cat age into human age.

How long do cats live?

How old do cats get? In general, cats can live to be around 14 to 16 years old on average. However, a cat's life expectancy is influenced by various factors, so of course deviations are possible.

The factors that influence the age of the cat include, for example, the way the cat is kept, the care and health of the cat and also the cat breed. For example, the popular European Shorthair is one of the robust cat breeds that can live to be 15 years and older.

How old do cats get with outdoor access and domestic cats?

How old do cats get that are allowed outside compared to domestic cats that are only kept indoors? In fact, the form of husbandry has an influence on the life expectancy of a cat.

  • Stray animals that have to live on the streets or in the wilderness without care and care do not reach old age. On average, they only live four or five years, and infections, injuries, accidents and a lack of nutrition lead to the low life expectancy of these cats.
  • Outdoor cats that regularly explore their surroundings are exposed to risks such as infections, injuries from territorial fights or accidents. On average, these cats have a life expectancy of 10 to 12 years.
  • Indoor cats have a significantly lower risk of accidents and infections. This has an impact on their life expectancy, so that they can live up to 20 years.

Which cat breeds have the highest life expectancy?

For a dog, the rule of thumb for life expectancy is simple and almost always correct: the larger the dog, the lower the life expectancy. This statement does not work with cats. Nevertheless, the breed can have an influence on a cat's life expectancy.

The following table shows the average life expectancy for different cat breeds:

Life expectancy
18 - 22 years
European Shorthair
15 - 20 years
15 - 20 years
10 - 17 years
12 - 16 years
12 - 15 years
Main Coon
12 - 15 years
British Shorthair
12 - 14 years

By the way: The oldest cat in the world was "Creme Puff". She was a domestic cat from Austin, Texas. She died on August 6th, 2005 at the age of 38 years and 3 days.

Tips for a long life expectancy in cats

We all wish for a long cat life for our four-legged friend. Cat owners can increase their cat's life expectancy by making sure that the cat grows up as healthy and happy as possible. The following tips can help:

Vet visits

Regular vet visits are crucial to ensure the health of the cat. Even young kittens should be protected from diseases such as cat flu by basic immunization. Castration leads to stress reduction and certain diseases occur less frequently. Regular examinations at the vet and vaccinations can prevent diseases or detect them in time.

The earlier health problems are detected, the better they can be treated. Look for signs of illness such as changes in behavior, weight loss, increased drinking or urination, vomiting, and diarrhea. If you suspect an illness, you should consult a veterinarian immediately.

The regular Veterinary costs for a cat add up to a considerable amount over the course of a cat's life. In addition, there may be the costs for the treatment of injuries, illnesses and medication. Cat health insurance can cover the costs of the vet, surgery and treatment.

Nutrition and dental care

Nutrition plays a crucial role in the health and life expectancy of a cat. High-quality cat food that contains all the necessary nutrients is essential. Make sure that your cat is fed a balanced diet and does not become overweight. Being overweight can lead to various health problems.

Many cats suffer from dental problems in the course of their lives. Regular dental care, whether through special treats, toys, or regular brushing, can help prevent dental problems and improve the cat's overall health.

Activity and exercise

Physical activity is important for cats to stay fit and healthy. Play with your cat regularly and make sure they get enough exercise. This not only helps to avoid obesity but also promotes mental stimulation.

Recognizing stress management and sources of danger

Stress can have a negative impact on a cat's health and shorten its life expectancy. A stable routine and sufficient activity is important for cats to avoid excessive stress.

An open balcony or poisonous plants can be dangerous for cats. Cat owners should make sure that the environment is appropriately safe. If the cat is allowed in the garden, sufficient parasite and vaccination protection is necessary, as well as neutering.

How to create a Gently acclimatising a new cat you can find out in our guide.

Social interaction and affection

Cats are social animals and can benefit from human interaction. Playing, petting and spending time together with the cat not only strengthens the bond between humans and animals, but also contributes to mental health.

Ultimately, the affection and care you show your cat can have a huge impact on the cat's quality of life and life expectancy. Cats that grow up in a loving environment and receive regular attention tend to be happier and healthier.

How do you convert cat age to human age?

In the first two years of life, a cat quickly goes through different stages of development over different periods of time. The stage of development of a 3-month-old cat is comparable to a one-year-old baby, at 6 months the cat is as far along as a 12-year-old child. At one year old, she has the developmental stage of a 15-year-old teenager. On her second birthday, she is as far along as a 24-year-old adult. Then 4 human years can be added every year until the cat's 16th birthday. In senior cats, development slows down to about 3 human years per year of life.

The figures in the table below are rough guidelines for the life expectancy of cats. Whether a 15-year-old cat actually "feels" like a 76-year-old person varies from cat to cat.

Cat age
3 months
1 year
6 months
12 years
1 year
15 years
2 years
24 years
3 years
28 years
4 years
32 years
5 years
36 years
6 years
40 years
7 years
44 years
8 years
48 years old
9 years
52 years
10 to 20 years
10 years
56 years
11 years
60 years
12 years
64 years
13 years
68 years
14 years
72 years
15 years
76 years
16 years
80 years
17 years old
83 years
18 years
86 years
19 years
89 years
20 years
92 years

For a high life expectancy of the cat

As shown, the question "How old do cats get" depends on a variety of factors. By taking care of the cat's health, providing a balanced diet, ensuring enough exercise and mental stimulation, and seeking veterinary care early on, you can help ensure that the cat has a long life expectancy. One Cat insurance as the Cat health insurance or Cat surgery insurance helps to cover the costs for the veterinarian.

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